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Friday 5 January 2018

Target Audience

Image result for Teenagers

After thinking for a while about my target audience I decided to go for teenagers.This is a pretty mass audience. The main reason for this is because I am a teenager myself. I know how they think, and feel and I can empathise with them. Now I know that all teens are different, but most of them have some things in common. For example, we are all in, or have been to some sort of education. Most of us have experienced some point in our life where we wish we could just run away and live on a beach in a hot deserted island.
Also, teenagers are the best to target for many other reasons. Teenagers hear better than older people. I know this doesn't seem very important, but when it comes to music this is surely the best thing out there. You can include different layers of sound which fits in with the visuals on screen. This gives another dimension to the video which some people won't understand. Teenagers are also more impressionable. This means that they can easily be swayed and changed. They don't have one specific type of music they listen to. They're also more willing to try new things. And with this, they believe that the music is new. Older people have already had years of listening to music, and seeing videos so they think that it is being copied. They don't see the originality as they only see or hear older 'recycled' music. Teenagers also often don't have to work for their money, or if they do, they often don't have priorities. This means that they can spend money going to concerts, or buying the latest CD's if they like the music and the video. This gives the artist more revenue.


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