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Monday 15 January 2018

Why should you make a storyboard?

Image result for music storyboard

Planning is the key to creating a good music video, and this is where you start. 

Never overlook the story boarding process when creating a music video. Many people think that this isn't important as they have a rough idea of how it is going to look and just start filming. This is a big mistake. Planning is effective as it allows you to know how to film on the day. You don't want to spend too long shooting one scene, and not give yourself enough time to shoot the rest of the video.

It also makes it easier as you know what you need to shoot. You don't need to waste any time when shooting trying to decide which shot will look best. After all, when you film you're often paying to use the equipment or the actors so you need to be as time effective as possible. It also allows you to send out the storyboard to everyone else before filming. This means that everyone knows what they have to do on the day, and if anyone has any problems with their requirements, they can contact you and sort it out beforehand. 

Creating storyboards is all about saving time and getting things right on the day of filming.


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