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Monday 15 January 2018


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Why you need a band website

With all the social media about, who needs a band website?

1. You have to have somewhere where people can find everything of yours in one place.
Despite the fact that social media can keep people updated on tours, and there's apps such as Spotify to keep people updated on music. However, you need somewhere to put everything in one place. This is what the website will be used for. It can have links to Spotify, social media and can have a store built in to sell merch or concert tickets.

2. You get to be in control
When using social media or YouTube you don't get to be in complete control. You can post whatever you want but you can't change the view of the website itself as you're using a third party website. This means that your website can be as personal as you want. At the end of the day it is YOUR website.

3. You can create an image
By being in control of your own website, you can create an image which will continue along social media. This image will reflect you as an artist/band and will allow you to be easily recognised. This image will be reflected in everything from your album covers to your outfits, and will reflect your personality.

4. You look more professional
Having a website creates an initial impression when people are looking for you online. It makes it look like time and effort has been put in to yourself as an artist or a band. Once this has created the first impression, let the music do the talking

5. Social media isn't reliable.
Although you may rack up 10 million followers over a couple of years, this can easily change as you account can get suspended or the platform you're using may stop being used. Look at MySpace, many people used to use that, and some artists who built their profiles up on it will have lost everything when its user count started decreasing rapidly.

6. SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) makes it easier to get new fans. It allows you to appear more when people search for similar artists and it is often overlooked. For example, you can change it so that if people search 'pop music' your band appears first.

7. Sell what you like
Although you can use third party websites to sell products, they usually take a percentage of what is sold. However, the pro's of selling on your own website is that you can choose how much to sell it for, and you get all the profits.

8. Audience feedback
You can create an area for the audience to give their own feedback on your products. And you can also choose which reviews will appear first. You can select positive reviews and broadcast them on your website.

9. Subscription
You can allow the audience to subscribe to emails giving them information other people can't access. This makes people feel connected to you as an artist which means that they are more likely to buy your product. You can also send out exclusive member only offers.

10. It's yours
Although we have already spoken about this, it's the most important point. The website is, and will always be yours.

What makes a good band website:
-Interactive multimedia
-Take a lot of photos
-Good opening splash page
-Band info
-Don't be too text heavy
-Have a clear house style which links with everything
-Link with points of sale
-Easy navigation (3 click rule)


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