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Wednesday 18 October 2017

How are music videos made?

Image result for How to create a music video

Music videos aren't created in a single day. They take a while to produce as they contain numerous steps and have to get verified by multiple companies. For example, it could take a couple of weeks to even get permission to start filming.

There are also multiple steps you must have before planning can even start for the music video.

1) The record label of the artist or band must find investors. These are people who are willing to pay to help fund the music video. This means that the video can have high funds, and the more funds means more facilities. This will result in a better quality music video, and therefore a better music video.

2) If the song hasn't been recorded, this is your next priority. Obviously, you need a song before you can have a video. Sometimes the song is released before the video, this builds up hype for when the video is released. This means that if the song is a success, the music video will be anticipated, However, some artists release the music video before the song. This is because if the song is released first, and it doesn't have much success, then not many people will watch the video. But if the video is released first, people will have to watch it in order to listen to the song.

3) Next the planning for the music video needs to be done. This includes the story boarding, shot list, and any safety tests. All planning must be done before any filming has started. This is because it is very expensive to shoot a music video, and if you start filming halfway through, and then realise that something needs to change because planning wasn't done, then this can cost you time and money.

4) Next the locations need to be found, and permissions need to be given when filming in private places. This is because getting permission to film on private property may take a while to go through. Also, if it is not possible to film in certain areas, then these locations may need to be duplicated on a set. These may be made of props, or edited in post production using a green screen.

5)Next the directors, producers, writers and cast must all be hired, and filming should begin once the narrative is set. These employees must know exactly what they have to do in the music video, and must sign a risk assessment form and a disclosure form.

6) After filming, the editing commences. Because of all the fast cuts in music videos, there should be lots of footage so this step may take months. Every second of the music video must be carefully chosen, and many different versions will be made in the process.

7) Next the promotion must take place. In the past this would have included getting adverts on TV's, billboards, radio and newspapers. But no, due to technological advances most advertising is done online. Social media will be the main form of promotion.

8) After the video has been promoted, it is time to release it to the world. This is when the distribution company publishes the video around the world.


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