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Thursday 13 July 2017

Knee socks footage

I decided to take some of our raw footage to show the transition between original and final versions, and to explain how we filmed and shot the music video.

Shot 1 - The Intro 

Although the footage below is about 9 minutes long, I wouldn't advise that you watch it all as it is very similar throughout. However, as you can see by quickly scrubbing through the video we decided to shoot it all in one take instead of stopping and starting the camera. This meant that we didn't loose any footage and it allowed us to include footage which wasn't originally meant for the video. It also made it easier when editing, as we didn't have to try and upload multiple video files at once when making the intro.

Shot 2 - The jump

When recording the jump for the music video we decided to record it multiple times in multiple different positions. This allowed me to edit the video and see which video would be the best one to use with the other footage. Although some footage wasn't used at the beginning as originally intended, it was still helpful in the production of the final video. Three of the videos are below.

Shot 3 - The lip sync

This was probably the most difficult to record as we recorded it multiple times until we thought we had gotten it right, but some of the music was still out of time to the lip sync. However, the crab shot helped take all of the focus away from the lip syncing. The original videos are shown below, and some more lip sync work may be needed before the final production.

Shot 4 - The sway

The most difficult part of this was getting everyone to sway in the same direction and keep in time with each other and the music. However, eventually we managed to get the last part of the filming done so that we could get started on the editing.


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