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Thursday 28 September 2017


Synergy within the music industry - The Weeknd

Synergy is very important when releasing a new song or album. It allows the artist to promote their new content, while also promoting their older content. However, in order for the artist top be known, they need to keep up the same style throughout all of their media outlets. They can't have a bright, joyful pink website, but a dark and gloomy CD cover, without it matching up in some way.


The Weeknd's website advertises his latest music video straight away, and then advertises his latest album underneath. Throughout most of his media outlets he contrasts dark colours, with bold, bright colours. He continues this throughout his website, by using a black background. This also allows his latest album cover to be more prominent, and catch not only the users attention, but also the attention of anyone near the device that it is being viewed on. The contrast between the light and dark also reflect the hidden story behind The Weekind's music videos, which have been explored in a previous post. The story tries to show an ongoing fight between The Weeknd's conscience and the devil (his fame). The darkness represents the devil taking over, whereas the bright colours (along with the bright crosses) are The Weeknd's conscience trying to regain control.

Image result for The Weeknd Starboy    Image result for The Weeknd Starboy

The Weeknd continues this theme throughout his 'Starboy' album cover, and any album covers for his singles that he has released (such as 'Party Monster', 'I feel it coming', and 'False Alarm'). This allows the audience to recognise his image when in a shop, making it easier for them to find and purchase his products. This is also the theme he tries to use in his music videos, as he contrasts colours. This is especially shown in his 'Starboy' music video where he has a giant, bright pink cross in a dark room. This religious icon helps to show the fight against fame that The Weeknd is a part of.

Image results for the starstar week


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